Thursday, February 28, 2013

Seth: Physical Objects Transmit Meaning Just Like Text

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul

Seth: As you read the words upon this page, you realize that the information that you are receiving is not an attribute of the letters of the words themselves. The printed line does not contain information. It transmits information. Where is the information that is being transmitted then, if it is not upon the page?

The same question of course applies when you read a newspaper, and when you speak to another person. Your actual words convey information, feelings, or thoughts. Obviously the thoughts or the feelings, and the words, are not the same thing. The letters upon the page are symbols, and you have agreed upon various meanings connected with them. You take it for granted without even thinking of it that the symbols - the letters - are not the reality - the information or thoughts - which they attempt to convey.

Now in the same way, I am telling you that objects are also symbols that stand for a reality whose meaning the objects, like the letters, transmit. The true information is not in the objects any more than the thought is in the letters or in words. Words are methods of expression. So are physical objects in a different kind of medium. You are used to the idea that you express yourselves directly through words. You can hear yourself speak them. You can feel the muscles in your throat move, and if you are aware, you can perceive multitudinous reactions within your own body - actions that all accompany your speech.

Physical objects are the result of another kind of expression. You create them as surely as you create words. I do not mean that you create them with your hands alone, or through manufacture. I mean that objects are natural by-products of the evolution of your species, even as words are. Examine for a moment your knowledge of your own speech, however. Though you hear the words and recognize their appropriateness, and though they may more or less approximate an expression of your feeling, they are not your feeling, and there must be a gap between your thought and your expression of it.

The familiarity of speech begins to vanish when you realize that you, yourself, when you begin a sentence do not know precisely how you will end it, or even how you form the words. You do not consciously know how you manipulate a staggering pyramid of symbols, picking from them precisely those you need to express a given thought. For that matter, you do not know how you think.

You do not know how you translate these symbols upon this page into thoughts, and then store them, or make them your own. Since the mechanisms of normal speech are so little known to you on a conscious level, then it is not surprising that you are equally unaware of more complicated tasks that you also perform - such as the constant creation of your physical environment as a method of communication and expression.

It is only from this viewpoint that the true nature of physical matter can be understood. It is only by comprehending the nature of this constant translation of thoughts and desires - not into words now, but into physical objects - that you can realize your true independence from circumstance, time, and environment.

Now, it is easy to see that you translate feelings into words or bodily expressions and gestures, but not quite as easy to realize that you form your physical body as effortlessly and unselfconsciously as you translate feelings into symbols that become words.

You have heard the expression before, I am sure, that the environment expresses a particular individual's personality. I am telling you that this is a literal and not symbolic truth. The letters upon the page have the reality only of ink and paper. The information they convey is invisible. As an object, this book itself is only paper and ink. It is a carrier of information.

© Laurel Butts.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Abraham on Traumatic Injuries

Jerry: What is the role of thought in traumatic injuries? Abraham, are traumatic injuries created in the same way that diseases are created? And can they be resolved through thought? In other words, like a breakage of something that happened in a momentary incident as opposed to a long series of thoughts leading up to it.

Abraham: Whether the trauma to your body seemed to come suddenly as a result of an accident or whether it came from a disease such as cancer, you've created the situation through your thought and the healing will come through your thought as well. Chronic thoughts of ease promote wellness while chronic stressful or resentful or hateful or fearful thoughts promote disease. But whether the result shows up suddenly as in falling and breaking your bones, or more slowly as in cancer, whatever you are living always matches the balance of your thoughts. 

Once you've experienced the diminishment of well being, whether it has come from broken bones or internal diseases, it is not likely that you will suddenly find good feeling thoughts that match those of your Inner Being. In other words, if before your accident or disease you were not choosing thoughts that aligned with well being, it's not likely that now that you are faced with discomfort or pain or a frightening diagnosis, you will suddenly find that alignment. 

It is much easier to achieve great health from moderate health than to achieve great health from poor health. However you can get to wherever you want to be from wherever you are, if you are able to distract your attention from the unwanted aspects of your life and focus on the aspects that are more pleasing. It really is only a matter of focus.

Sometimes a frightening diagnosis or a traumatic injury is a powerful catalyst in getting you to focus your attention more deliberately on things that do feel good. In fact, some of our best students of Deliberate Creation are those who have been given a frightening diagnosis where doctors have told them that there is nothing more that can be done for them, who now, since they have no other options, deliberately begin to focus their thoughts. 

It is interesting that so many people will not do what really works until all other options have been exhausted, but we do understand that you've acclimated to your action-oriented world and so action does seem to most of you to be the best first option. We're not guiding you away from action, but instead, encouraging you to find better feeling thoughts first and then follow with the action that you feel inspired to.

© Abraham Hicks Publications

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Anti-woman or anti-military or pro-peace? Seth on women in combat.

The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, Session 854, p. 230

Seth: Women make a grave error, when they try to prove their "equality" with men, by showing that they can enter the armed forces or go into combat, as well as any man. War always makes you less as a species than you could be. Women have shown uncommon good sense in not going to war and uncommon bad sense, by sending their sons and lovers to war. To kill for the sake of peace, only makes you better killers and nothing will change that. I am quite aware that going to war seems to be your only practical course, because of the set of beliefs that are, relatively speaking, worldwide. Until you change those beliefs, war will seem to have some practical value....a value that is highly deceptive and quite false.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Abraham: Rent's Too Damn High! (Okay, gas.)

Guest: My next question is about the price of gas in the United States. It's at its highest point historically, and I'm wondering what those of us who are Conscious Deliberate Creators and are on the Leading Edge can do to find the positive aspects in that, to feel good about that, to begin to change the vibration around that.

Abraham:  Well, here's what we would like: We would like it to cost ten times what it does, and you not care... because as long as you care what something costs, you’ve got a limitation set on how much money you think will come into you. So you go to the pump, and the cost of gas is high, all that does is cause you to launch a rocket that says, "I'd like more money to pay for this higher price of gas." And Source says, "Alrighty, then." And then all you've got to do is bring yourself into alignment with that, you see?
Our favorite story about that was a woman who was talking about her now-husband who was a former husband of someone else to whom he was paying alimony. And his former wife kept taking him back to Court and demanding more money. And they wanted to know what they could do, how they could shut her down. She was taking too much of the money that they wanted to spend on their now-life that they were living together. 
And we said, "we wish your now-husband had ten ex-wives and we wish that they were all going to court and asking for more money ... because the most they are going to get is 50% usually. And so, if he's got that many people calling that much money through him, his income is increasing dramatically if he'll let it and they're only getting half. 
[Audience laughter.]
Abraham: Anything that causes you to want more, when you come into alignment with it, it's a done deal. So the price of anything doesn't matter because if you want it, Source is arranging a way, right now, for you to have it - you've just got to stop complaining about the price of gas.
So, here's how it happens. You go to the gas pump - this is exactly how it happens: Jerry and Esther filled up the other day and it was $725, and they were going to drive that gas out, that day. So, as you go to the gas pump and you fill up and you feel that discord of the price of this fuel. In that moment, you launch a rocket of desire that says, "More money for fuel," and Source Energy says, "Done. Done." 

Then you say, "This costs too much." So, the money is sitting there, but you don't have access to it. You say, "It's terrible what they are doing." You don't have access to it. You say, "It's highway robbery." You don't have access to it. You say, "The Bush Administration and their oil cronies are doing this deliberately just to put more money in their pocket." You don't have access to it. (You REALLY don't have access to it.) 
You say, "It's nice that this gas is available to me." You start moving in the direction of the improvement in your money for gas. You say, "What I need always come to me." You start moving toward it. You say, "I have enough flexibility in my budget that I can, for now, put a little more of it here." You start moving toward it. You say, "I've never paid too much attention to what things cost, and I'm not going to make this be an exception." You start moving toward it. You say, "What I need always flows." You start moving toward it. 

And with enough deliberate training, you move yourself into alignment with this BIG pile of money that's waiting for you in vibrational escrow for gas or for anything you've launched it over there for. And then, you come and you say, "I'm making $20,000 more than I was last time I talked to you." And we say, "Good, spend some of it on gas."
[Audience laughter and applause.]
Abraham: Whatever you want. Whatever you want is there for you. Whatever you want.
So Esther has no concern about dollars and gas. Sometimes, she goes into pay and comes back and Jerry says, "How much was it?" and Esther said, "I don't know. I didn't notice." She signed the ticket because it doesn't matter. Whatever it costs is what it costs and she was going to get it anyway so what possible difference does it matter? So her answer is usually, "Well, it costs what it costs and it's there on the ticket if you want to see it." In other words, it's irrelevant what it costs, it costs what it costs. 
And then they were at a gas station in San Diego last week and they filled up their tank on their Yukon, or they wanted to, but the pump cut them off at $50 and only gave them half a tank. And Esther said, "Well, we could either go again or we could just leave it at that," and Jerry said, "Let's just leave it at that. We can fill up again later." And when Esther went in to get her receipt she heard the woman who had come in behind her say, "I would like $2 worth on pump 3, please."
And Esther felt that pang because Esther saw that $50 did not give her half a tank and she figures that $2 won't even show on that woman's meter. And so, Esther started moving in the wrong direction on this subject of gas, not on her behalf, but on somebody else's.  Esther is not worried about gas prices for herself, but  she could listen to enough people that she begins worrying about them and then she's not contributing to the improvement either, you see.
And so, we want you to understand because we can feel it rippling even in this room that sometimes people feel as they listen to us, "Well, Abraham, you're just teaching people to be selfish and to not care or worry about what's happening to anyone else." And we say, "We want you to care, but we don't want you to worry." When you care, you launch into Vibrational Escrow on their behalf. When you worry, you do not help them get to what you've launched over there on their behalf. 

So, it's possible...this ties in with your question about 'who am I' and 'why am I here' and 'who are the people gathering here in this Abraham energy'... And we say, You care about other people and you will launch rockets of desires on their behalf, but you can't suffer for them and be catalysts to help them receive improved conditions. 
In other words, you've got to follow the dream of the improved life for them. As Uplifters, you've got to learn to walk your way up the Emotional Scale on behalf of those that you care about because you can't see them as victims and do them any good. And when you see anybody as a victim, you shoot yourself in the foot. 
It's really interesting how powerful you are and how you're all tied in with one another. The thoughts you think about other people not only affect you, but they affect the part of their life experience that rendezvous with you.  
© Abraham Hicks Publications

Friday, January 11, 2013

Abraham on Facebook, Online Debate & Offline Warnings

Guest: When I was [adventure traveling] a lot of people were talking about Steve Irwin, like "Oh, Steve Irwin, have you heard about that?" And I'm like "No, I don't. I don't know what you're talking about," because I don't want to draw that kind of energy, but I was just curious as to why humans, why do we like to.... I call it "Facebooking" [...]

Why do we like to advertise what was going on? Like "Oh, I got an A+ on my test," and we're always looking for a response from someone else. I'm just curious as to why people like to advertise their feelings to other people because they're just asking for it, and sometimes when they ask for it, they don't like the response they get. Is it better just to keep it to yourself, rather than advertise it to other people?

Abraham: Jerry and Esther have been commenting recently as they have an experience where the Universe is very quick to respond to the vibration that they get going, they will say, "Imagine if we deliberately focus our thoughts on all things and we would allow the Universe to emphasize the direction of our thought."

It sort of startles them when they focus on something unwanted and then receive the repercussion of that, too. But all of it is the process of practicing and through what humans would call trial and error - of course there is no error, you just get better and better at it - but there is a well meaning reason that is at the heart of why people poke around at problems. And it is because people really are, whether they acknowledge it openly or not, they are solution oriented. And in their seeking a better life, they believe something that is an absolutely flawed premise in this attraction-based Universe, they believe they can guard, or protect themselves, from unwanted things.

So, they are well meaning when they want to point out to you that there could be danger there, there could be something unwanted there; and then they shore it up with evidence, especially really well-meaning evidence. They look for the documentation to support their point of view. Everyone is doing it because they want to be right; they want their philosophy of life to work for them.

But when you begin to internalize and include, as you have been doing, your understanding of these powerful and universal and consistent Laws of the Universe, and you acknowledge that this is a law (Law of Attraction), that is about inclusion, not exclusion, then it all sort of clicks into place for you and then once you make that something you are remembering that when you say 'yes' to something you include it in your vibration and when you shout 'no' at something you include it in your vibration, and then you add to that your awareness of how you *feel* as you're discussing the things that you are warning people about or that you're guarded about, rather than the way you feel when you are focused upon what you do want...

Guest: I kind of try and block it out... I'm kind of selfish in that way... I just let that person...

Abraham: Well, you have no choice.

Guest: Exactly.
Abraham: Here's the thing and you notice this. This has been a topic of discussion a lot lately in the households of Jerry and Esther and that is no matter how hard you try you cannot convey your perspective accurately to any other. And when you try, the odds of it taking you out of the Vortex are really, really high.

So, that old idea of living and letting live is really a good adage which says, I'm just going to offer my vibration and I'm going to tune myself to Who I Really Am and I'm going to allow Law of Attraction to then provide the evidence of my philosophy as Law of Attraction is providing the evidence of everyone's philosophy. In other words, no one is getting something different than they are offering vibrationally. 

It's one of the things Jerry and Esther have so enjoyed about their life and the way we talk about it. We do not pretend that Jerry and Esther have and advantage relative to Law of Attraction. They get what they think about whether they want it or not, as does everyone, you see.

But what happens is, you see, what throws people is that if you say you get what you think about and someone says, "Nu-uh, because I talked about the Sting Ray and one didn't come and get me, and so I can't see how there is evidence of my discussion. I talk about mass murders or I talk about houses burning down and it doesn't happen to me, so I don't really make the connection that when I talk about it that it specifically happens to me."

Guest: Is it just like small talk or something?

Abraham: Well, what it is is as people talk about whatever they're talking about they are generating a habitual pattern which creates a level, a personal, individual level, of resistance. And so without even realizing it, all those random conversations about all those random things are not focused enough (especially in the beginning) to bring them the specifics of the unwanted thing that they are focused upon, but it does sort of mute or put an edge on and prevent them from the robustness of the Well Being that they would be living otherwise. And it is an erosion of Well Being, that's the way it shows in people's lives, even more than a specific and dramatic, derogatory result. It's just a sort of general dulling of the Well Being.

© Abraham Hicks Publications

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Monday, January 7, 2013

Abraham: Living with Negative People Who Want Different Things - Part 2

(Continued from Part 1)

Abraham: What goes wrong with so many is that they say, I demand better circumstances so I can feel better, and we say the Universe does not hear your demand, the Universe only hears your vibration.

So you say, "what does that mean?" We say it means you've got to achieve a vibration that aligns with better circumstances before they can be received by you. Oh, that's different, isn't it? I have to feel good about what I haven't got, before I get it? Yeah. I have to feel prosperous before prosperity can come to me? I have to feel healthy before health can be mine? I have to feel loved before someone can love me?

You mean, I can't be paranoid and people flock to me and say, "Oh, you poor, paranoid thing. Let me just shower you with my love until you get over your paranoia." (Audience laughter.) You ever had a paranoid friend? They're hard to love, aren't they?  They offer a vibration that defies your love. You can't do enough. Their vibration is so far in a different place, you cannot do enough to make them feel it. It's an inside job every single time, you see.

So that's why, as we come back around to your first and very powerful question, some of those people that you long to help, are not help-able from where you stand. And if you believe that you are the savior that came to help them all, then that means you've got to be able to adjust your vibration right up to the edge of where they are in order to lead them to the next place. And we don't know very many who can effectively adjust their vibration without becoming part of the vibration they have adjusted to.

And yet, if you're up here enjoying happiness and health and well-being and they're down there in despair and poverty and destructive pattern, there's a big vibrational range, and there have been so many who have wanted so much to help them that couldn't figure out how to bridge that gap, and it's because you are asking the impossible: you ask yourself to quantum leap to where they are, which you can't do.

(A) lot of you do it over a period of time though - started out in a very joyful place and through the years, you adjusted yourself to be as miserable with the most miserable of them. And then you join together in groups, and you say, with great piety and great virtue, "We are the chosen ones. We have suffered ourselves into the place God wants us to be."

And we say if that were true, you'd be feeling pretty good right now. When you're in alignment with that which is Source, you feel the radiance of that which is Source flowing through you.

Guest: I think I heard you say one time that one of the ways that Jesus healed was by not joining in the vibration of the illness.

Abraham: Wouldn't have been possible for him to heal if he joined in the vibration of sickness. He maintained his knowledge of Well-Being, you see. And with practice, you all can, too. With practice, in the time that you're not with the cantankerous one, as you practice the memory of what felt good or as you look for the positive aspects, and you activate within yourself, again and again and again and again, good feeling things about anyone or anything...

Now, that Universe or that person has to show you (It is law.) has to show you more of what you've activated within you. So if somebody is showing you their ornery side on a pretty regular basis, you got their ornery side activated in you. And you say, "Well sure I do, they show me their ornery side all the time. How could it not be activated within me?"  
And we say: Oh you poor, powerless being. Are you saying to us that you only have the ability to observe What Is? Are you not a Deliberate Creator? Can you not adjust your own vibration? When you turn on the radio in a hotel room, do you just leave it on that station, whoever was there last set the station? You say, "It's been chosen. It's just the way that it is." Or do you take your life in your own hands and adjust the vibrational frequency until it pleases you? This is the same thing, you see.

Guest: Thank you.

Abraham: Yes, indeed.  

(Go to Part 1 here.)

© Abraham Hicks Publications

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Abraham: Living with Negative People Who Want Different Things Part 1

Part 1

Guest: I was also wondering, if what I want and what you want are in conflict, what's going on? If I want rain and you just cut your alfalfa, how does that work?

Abraham: Well, how it works is if either one of us don't get too involved in the details of how we think we want what we want to play out then both of us can be satisfied. If you will focus on the essence of what you want, which is a magnificent crop, and the other will focus on the essence of what they want, which is a lovely picnic today or whatever, the Universe can give them both, or all, what they want, but it’s when you start bickering over the same prize, or over the same specific moment in time... the Universe has the facility to orchestrate circumstances and events to accommodate everyone: there could be two of you wanting seemingly different things, or five billion of you seemingly wanting different things.... and any of you that are not using what the other one wants that you don’t want as your excuse to push against and then disallow yourself from getting what you want, then you could all get what you want.

If you push against the other because you are worried they’ll get it and you won’t, now your out of sync with what you want and you won’t get it no matter what happens to them and usually you blame them, becuz you think it’s them wanting what they wanted and getting it that kept you from getting what you want, but it’s never that way. 

Guest: It's the same when you live with a person who is really negative, and you're trying to stay positive, but they're like a relative that you have to deal with every day...

Abraham: We know, because it feels like if they would change you would feel better because you remember being around more pleasant people and feeling more pleasant and so it seems logical that if they would be more pleasant... but feel the trap in that, the trap in that says now my happiness depends on your behavior, and I can't control your behavior, you're just one person, I've spent 30 years trying to control your behavior and I'm still not getting there. I'm powerless, I guess, I'm powerless to be happy because my happiness depends on your behavior, and you're stubborn, and you won't change, so I have no power.

But when you discover that you have the power to ignore them, you have the power to find the positive aspects in them, you have the power to focus upon the parts of them that you adore, you have the power to focus on other things… Do you know the majority of people that we hear struggling over something like living with someone who is negative... the majority of their conflict and discord happens when they’re not even with that person?  They're just remembering what happened yesterday, and what happened the day before, and they're worried what's going to happen when they get home. They have ample opportunity to focus on other things, but they don't do it because they've trained themselves into their vibrational habits by being sloppy in their thinking and just vibrating in response to what they're observing.

So, the way you train yourself back into alignment - did you hear us when we said that your singular work is to bring you into alignment with You? It's not to bring you into alignment with the ornery bugger you're living with. It's not to bring you into alignment with the Republicans that you disagree with or the Democrats that you disagree with. In other words, if you think that you've got to get alignment like that, can you imagine how long you're going to have to wait? Do you see how unlikely that is, you see? 

But when you really get it that your happiness depends only on your alignment, and so you just play with different subjects, and you play with different sentences, and you play with different thoughts and you feel yourself into alignment which means you feel for the soothing relief of releasing resistance... Now you discover that you could live anywhere, with anyone and you could find vibrational alignment with Well Being and in the moment that you do that, the Universe has to give you still better circumstances.

What goes wrong with so many is that they say, I demand better circumstances so I can feel better, and we say the Universe does not hear your demand, the Universe only hears your vibration.

(Go to Part 2 here.)

© Abraham Hicks

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Abraham on Pain

Abraham-Hicks,  07-09-95

Abraham: When you feel the pain, acknowledge what pain is: Pain is help on the way. Pain is what it feels like when the help is flowing, and I'm really not letting it flow - as much as I would like to. IOW, pain is a combination of faster moving energy (which is help), and my resistance. So, as you embrace the pain (because that means help is on the way) and then try to relax in order to let the help in, you actually relax into the pain - relax into the pain. As you accept the stiffness as energy flowing, then rather than cursing it, or damning it, or wanting it to go away, you say, bless this stiffness, this is help on the way. Can you feel the difference in embracing something and in pushing something away? In relaxing in to the pain rather than resisting the pain? In acknowledging the pain as evidence of energy flowing which is healing energy?

© Abraham Hicks