Abraham: Well, how it works is if either one of us don't get too involved in the details of how we think we want what we want to play out then both of us can be satisfied. If you will focus on the essence of what you want, which is a magnificent crop, and the other will focus on the essence of what they want, which is a lovely picnic today or whatever, the Universe can give them both, or all, what they want, but it’s when you start bickering over the same prize, or over the same specific moment in time... the Universe has the facility to orchestrate circumstances and events to accommodate everyone: there could be two of you wanting seemingly different things, or five billion of you seemingly wanting different things.... and any of you that are not using what the other one wants that you don’t want as your excuse to push against and then disallow yourself from getting what you want, then you could all get what you want.
If you push against the other because you are worried they’ll get it and you won’t, now your out of sync with what you want and you won’t get it no matter what happens to them and usually you blame them, becuz you think it’s them wanting what they wanted and getting it that kept you from getting what you want, but it’s never that way.
Guest: It's the same when you live with a person who is really negative, and you're trying to stay positive, but they're like a relative that you have to deal with every day...
Abraham: We know, because it feels like if they would change you would feel better because you remember being around more pleasant people and feeling more pleasant and so it seems logical that if they would be more pleasant... but feel the trap in that, the trap in that says now my happiness depends on your behavior, and I can't control your behavior, you're just one person, I've spent 30 years trying to control your behavior and I'm still not getting there. I'm powerless, I guess, I'm powerless to be happy because my happiness depends on your behavior, and you're stubborn, and you won't change, so I have no power.
But when you discover that you have the power to ignore them, you have the power to find the positive aspects in them, you have the power to focus upon the parts of them that you adore, you have the power to focus on other things… Do you know the majority of people that we hear struggling over something like living with someone who is negative... the majority of their conflict and discord happens when they’re not even with that person? They're just remembering what happened yesterday, and what happened the day before, and they're worried what's going to happen when they get home. They have ample opportunity to focus on other things, but they don't do it because they've trained themselves into their vibrational habits by being sloppy in their thinking and just vibrating in response to what they're observing.
So, the way you train yourself back into alignment - did you hear us when we said that your singular work is to bring you into alignment with You? It's not to bring you into alignment with the ornery bugger you're living with. It's not to bring you into alignment with the Republicans that you disagree with or the Democrats that you disagree with. In other words, if you think that you've got to get alignment like that, can you imagine how long you're going to have to wait? Do you see how unlikely that is, you see?
But when you really get it that your happiness depends only on your alignment, and so you just play with different subjects, and you play with different sentences, and you play with different thoughts and you feel yourself into alignment which means you feel for the soothing relief of releasing resistance... Now you discover that you could live anywhere, with anyone and you could find vibrational alignment with Well Being and in the moment that you do that, the Universe has to give you still better circumstances.
What goes wrong with so many is that they say, I demand better circumstances so I can feel better, and we say the Universe does not hear your demand, the Universe only hears your vibration.
(Go to Part 2 here.)
© Abraham Hicks
Great teaching! Wish I can download it and listen and re-listen! Thanks, Abraham and Ester!