Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Abraham Advises Writer on Book Sales

AbrahamSan Diego, CA - 2/15/03A

[The guest asking the question is a writer.]

Q: I’ve been [stuck on what is], and one little trigger for that is my book sales were roaring for a while and the last couple of months the book sales have just really dropped. And so then that ‘what-is-ness’ starts to trigger some fear, some lack, whatever, and I’m wanting to step away from that, to step into....

Abraham: Well, we understand that you’ve been oriented, most of you, in this physical environment where you are accustomed to evaluating your life based upon what is. And our effort, as we visit with you in these gatherings, is to get you focused upon what is becoming and not fixated so much upon what is. And if you were forward-looking, rather than looking at what is, it would be much easier for you to be in a place of allowing what is to be better.

In other words, it’s easier to imagine imaginary people coming into your experience and doing imaginary, wonderful things than it is to look at somebody in your experience who’s never done anything very wonderful and imagine them doing something wonderful. It’s easier to imagine success than to take failure and turn it around. It’s just easier when it’s in the imagery than it is when you’re facing reality.

And reality is not as significant as you all want it to be. People will say to us, “If things would get better, I will feel better,” and we say, we don’t doubt that but it doesn’t work that way. You’ve got to feel better and then things get better.

Openings at $75K to $500K+

And so, there is so much that is working. In other words, aren’t you thrilled at the inspiration that poured through you? And aren’t you thrilled with the book that came through you? And aren’t you thrilled with the way it unfolded? And aren’t you thrilled with the way it looks? And aren’t you thrilled with the response that people are having to it? And aren’t you thrilled that you had the wherewithal to get that underway? And aren’t you thrilled that you are an author? And aren’t you thrilled that there are more books still within you? And aren’t you thrilled that it’s a never-ending process?

[The guest has been responding to Abe’s questions with genuine appreciation, saying “Mm-hm” and “Yes.”]

Aren’t you thrilled that you’re here at this time? Aren’t you thrilled at the ability to publish something in this day and age? Aren’t you thrilled at the avid readers that are drawing these things through you? Aren’t you thrilled that there are so many people looking for what you have, and aren’t you thrilled at the idea of them meeting up with you in some way? And aren’t you thrilled at all the ideas that haven’t even occurred to you yet? And aren’t you thrilled at the people that you haven’t met yet that will help you along the way?

Isn’t it exciting to you to think about your future experience, and isn’t it fun to see how it unfolds? Aren’t you excited about meeting the people you don’t know yet, and aren’t you excited about writing the words that you haven’t even thought of yet? And aren’t you excited about the future publishers that will help you, and aren’t you excited about the future publicists that will get you out there? Isn’t it exciting when you think about all the potential that is within you, and aren’t you exhilarated about the unfolding of that which is to come? And doesn’t that feel better than the book that isn’t selling now? You see?

So if you could just get fixated on all that that feels good. The thing that keeps you from doing that is you’ve been convinced, “Abraham, that’s whimsical and this is real, and if it’s real it deserves more air time.” And we say, no, it doesn’t! Don’t give anything that doesn’t feel wonderful any of your attention.

That’s like turning on your radio—it sounds horrible, it’s a bad connection, it’s staticky, and it’s not even your style, and you say, “All right, all right, all right, all right, all right.” And your friends say, “Why are you listening to that?” And you say....

Q: (Laughing.) It’s what is. It’s real.

Abe: It’s what is. It’s what is. 

“Do you like it?”

“No, I hate it.”

 “Then why are you listening to it?”

It’s on—can’t you hear it? (Laughter.) It’s on.

I feel obligated to listen to it because it’s REAL.” 

And we say, it’s not real, it’s just the transmission in the moment. It’s no more real than something magnificent or something truly satisfying, you see.

© Abraham-Hicks Publications

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