Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Abe: We Vote Vibrationally

Most people are living a very conditional life. They say, 'Well, when I see this I feel very good, so I will vote for that. But when I see this, that doesn't feel so good. I will vote against that. In fact, I'll do more than vote against it. I'll campaign against it. I'll gather forces against it. I will make very sure that that does not happen.'

And we say: not that way you won't. Because there is no such thing as get it away, there is no such thing as exclusion. When you look at something wanted and you say 'yes' to it, you include it in your vibration and it comes to you. When you look at something you don't want and you shout 'no' at it, you include it in your vibration and it comes to you. There's no such thing as 'no' in this universe that is based upon attraction -- it's all 'yes.'

Abe - Monterey, CA, 3/14/00

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