In your early stages is where most of you begin vying for approval. You began standing on your head, but what you discover is, you cannot get that Energy Stream from someone who is not connected to the Energy Stream. If they are not selfish enough to be connected, they've got nothing to give you even though they want to. Your parents want to give you everything that you need, but they can't give it to you if they're not connected to it. You have all kinds of people depending on each other for their connection.
That's why Teachers like us and Teachers like you have come into this physical time/space reality, to remind you all how to make your own connection, to help you find your connection with Core Energy so that you can set your Tone and never again be dependent upon what somebody else thinks about you.
So that if you have a rough day, you don't need alcohol or drugs. You meditate and reconnect, or you quiet your mind, or you appreciate and reconnect, or you choose one of hundreds of pleasant images that you've been practicing that you keep in your pocket. You get one of them out and roll it around in your mind. You show yourself how to adjust your vibration. You never again depend upon the conditions to adjust your vibration. You leave behind what you have learned about conditional love, and you become one who loves unconditionally.
(c) Abraham Hicks
that may be the most important thing i've heard all year! thank you