Abraham: Is one desire better than another?
Who gets to choose?
You do.
Can you make one choice now and another choice later?
Is it likely that your choices will continue to change and evolve?
Is there somebody watching you and keeping score of what you choose?
Will there be punishment if you accidentally make the wrong choice?
In other words, the punishment -- there is not anything offered like that -- but the suffering that you see as punishment is nothing greater than the negative emotion that you feel in any moment as you're disallowing your true self to flow through you. That's as bad as it gets. That guilt or anger or blame or frustration or depression that you feel because you're choosing thoughts that aren't in vibrational harmony with who you are? That's as bad as it gets.
So is there a great law that says monogamy is more spiritual than having many sexual partners?
No. There is no such law.
Are there people who would be more joyful in monogamy?
Are there people who would be more joyful eating frog legs?
Who gets to choose?
You do.
How do you know if you're making the right choice?
You can feel it.
Will your choices evolve?
Can you make wrong choices?
Will other people agree?
Are you going to be able to stand on your head in enough different ways to please them?
Any one of them?
Is that your job?
Then what is your job?
To feel good.
What does that mean?
Seek harmony with Who You Are.
Does that mean that the God Within Me wants me to have lots of sexual partners?
That means that the god within you wants you to find harmony between your desire and your belief. In other words, that energy wants you to create a clear path for it to flow. And you can't do that by saying, "That's wrong," because every time you see something is wrong you stop the flow.
Does that mean you have to embrace all things?
It just means you must stop pushing against those things that you don't want to include because every time you push against them, you don't stop them, you include them, and now you're out of sync again and you say "it's your fault, you evil perpetrators of sin and violence and crime. If you would stop being so bad, I'd feel better." And we say that's true, but that's never going to happen. You must allow them to be that which they are while you selectively sift that which lines up your energy. And when you're in alignment with your source, all things are possible.
© Abraham Hicks Publications