Why do we like to advertise what was going on? Like "Oh, I got an A+ on my test," and we're always looking for a response from someone else. I'm just curious as to why people like to advertise their feelings to other people because they're just asking for it, and sometimes when they ask for it, they don't like the response they get. Is it better just to keep it to yourself, rather than advertise it to other people?
Abraham: Jerry and Esther have been commenting recently as they have an experience where the Universe is very quick to respond to the vibration that they get going, they will say, "Imagine if we deliberately focus our thoughts on all things and we would allow the Universe to emphasize the direction of our thought."
It sort of startles them when they focus on something unwanted and then receive the repercussion of that, too. But all of it is the process of practicing and through what humans would call trial and error - of course there is no error, you just get better and better at it - but there is a well meaning reason that is at the heart of why people poke around at problems. And it is because people really are, whether they acknowledge it openly or not, they are solution oriented. And in their seeking a better life, they believe something that is an absolutely flawed premise in this attraction-based Universe, they believe they can guard, or protect themselves, from unwanted things.
So, they are well meaning when they want to point out to you that there could be danger there, there could be something unwanted there; and then they shore it up with evidence, especially really well-meaning evidence. They look for the documentation to support their point of view. Everyone is doing it because they want to be right; they want their philosophy of life to work for them.
But when you begin to internalize and include, as you have been doing, your understanding of these powerful and universal and consistent Laws of the Universe, and you acknowledge that this is a law (Law of Attraction), that is about inclusion, not exclusion, then it all sort of clicks into place for you and then once you make that something you are remembering that when you say 'yes' to something you include it in your vibration and when you shout 'no' at something you include it in your vibration, and then you add to that your awareness of how you *feel* as you're discussing the things that you are warning people about or that you're guarded about, rather than the way you feel when you are focused upon what you do want...
Guest: I kind of try and block it out... I'm kind of selfish in that way... I just let that person...
Abraham: Well, you have no choice.
Guest: Exactly.
Abraham: Here's the thing and you notice this. This has been a topic of discussion a lot lately in the households of Jerry and Esther and that is no matter how hard you try you cannot convey your perspective accurately to any other. And when you try, the odds of it taking you out of the Vortex are really, really high.
So, that old idea of living and letting live is really a good adage which says, I'm just going to offer my vibration and I'm going to tune myself to Who I Really Am and I'm going to allow Law of Attraction to then provide the evidence of my philosophy as Law of Attraction is providing the evidence of everyone's philosophy. In other words, no one is getting something different than they are offering vibrationally.
It's one of the things Jerry and Esther have so enjoyed about their life and the way we talk about it. We do not pretend that Jerry and Esther have and advantage relative to Law of Attraction. They get what they think about whether they want it or not, as does everyone, you see.
But what happens is, you see, what throws people is that if you say you get what you think about and someone says, "Nu-uh, because I talked about the Sting Ray and one didn't come and get me, and so I can't see how there is evidence of my discussion. I talk about mass murders or I talk about houses burning down and it doesn't happen to me, so I don't really make the connection that when I talk about it that it specifically happens to me."
Guest: Is it just like small talk or something?
Abraham: Well, what it is is as people talk about whatever they're talking about they are generating a habitual pattern which creates a level, a personal, individual level, of resistance. And so without even realizing it, all those random conversations about all those random things are not focused enough (especially in the beginning) to bring them the specifics of the unwanted thing that they are focused upon, but it does sort of mute or put an edge on and prevent them from the robustness of the Well Being that they would be living otherwise. And it is an erosion of Well Being, that's the way it shows in people's lives, even more than a specific and dramatic, derogatory result. It's just a sort of general dulling of the Well Being.
© Abraham Hicks Publications
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