Abraham Hicks: When you want it so much it hurts....
Quotes largely from Esther Hicks' Abraham and occasionally from Abraham's direct predecessor, Jane Roberts' Seth.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Abraham: Work on your Mood as much as your Food
This one starts off slow, but really gets going, so stay with it:
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
Nic Marks and the Business Model of a Happy Planet
Nic Marks, creator of the Happy Planet Index, talks about sustainable business through prioritizing Happiness. Very similar to Abraham's philosophy that you "Seek Joy" and freedom and growth will follow in a more balanced fashion.
Abraham Hicks,
Happy Planet,
Nic Marks,
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Friday, November 23, 2012
Abraham: Expectation in the Workplace, Employment, Jobs, Careers
Just pretty much live tweeted this whole video, but if you want to hear it in context:
Abraham Hicks,
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Seth: Negative focus robs you of energy you need to help

Seth, The Nature of the Psyche, Session 800
Seth: You
your own reality. That reality contributes to the experience of others,
but each of you possesses a unique, original stance in space and
time that is yours alone in quite practical terms, regardless of time's
relative existence.
you operate from your own stance can you help others to the best of
your ability. To anticipate danger, or to imaginatively take on the
troubles of others robs you of the very energy with which you could help
am not saying, therefore, to turn your eyes from the unfortunate
conditions of the world. Practical help is needed in all areas of the
human life.
it is far better, and more practical ultimately, to concentrate upon
the beneficial elements of civilization-far better to organize your
thoughts in areas of accomplishment than to make mental lists of mans
deficiencies and lacks. Such
a practice leads to feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, in which
effective action seems impossible.
Life possesses an exuberance.
this is cherished, nurtured, encouraged, then additional energy is
generated that is not needed for the purposes of daily private life-a
superabundance, that can be effectively directed in those areas of the
world where help is most needed. The
vitality, and effectiveness of thought is seldom considered, Thought,
you may say, will not stop a war-yet what do you think started such a
history the downtrodden have often risen into power, using force,
rebelling against their oppressors; and yet, learning little from that
experience, they turn and become the elite, the new power-holders. Their
physical conditions may be completely changed. Now theirs, the offices
of government, the wealth. Gone are the
conditions that, it would seem, caused the uprising. Yet in retaliation
they strike out, forming a new class of downtrodden who must in their
turn rise and retaliate.
appearances, conditions of an exterior nature do not cause wars, or
poverty, or disease, or any of the unfortunate circumstances apparent in
the world. Your beliefs form your reality. Your thoughts generate
practical experience. When these change, conditions will change.
To add your own energy, focus, and concentration to dire circumstances in other
portions of the world does not help, but adds to, such situations.
© Laurel Butts
Nature of the Psyche,
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Abraham: Feel Good Now, It's Important!
Abraham: You're right. You should feel bad. But feeling bad only makes tomorrow worse. You've got to feel good now!
© Abraham-Hicks Publications
Abraham Hicks,
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Abe: What is Nervousness?
Male Guest: I want you to explain nervousness and how that falls into our relationship to getting things that we want, and why it's there in the first place.
Abraham: Well, nervousness is a manifestation, an indicator, manifestations...because emotions are manifestations, aren't they? It's a manifestation of wanting something that you're not quite vibrationally up to speed with.
Guest: Right.
Abraham: And therefore. IOW, you demonstrated it really well because we were very specific about you, and you just kept turning around and looking behind you. IOW, you were not expectant, not really expectant of something that you want. There are a lot of people really expectant of what they want, so much so that they head this way when we're not even pointing at them. Sometimes we're pointing over there and someone comes from over there because they are so wanting and expecting, and so, we have a question or two for you. How do you think your beliefs or expectations have come to be what they are?
Guest: Trial and error.
Abraham: Good words. There never is any error, but we know what you mean...Trying.. so trial and error.
Guest: Being in the experience, going for it.
Abraham: And what kind of an experience has trained you to not expect what you want?
Guest: Not...?
Abraham: IOW, our we in agreement that nervousness is an active vibration that is to the contrary of something wanted. So what do you think has trained you into a habit of thought, which is just a belief is just a thought you keep thinking, what do you think has trained you into that?
Guest: Well, the interesting thing is I'd be there and I'd set my intention, and I'd visualize what I'd want, and I'd be ready to go for it and allow it, but once I'm in the situation, the nerves comes in for a reason I'm trying to figure out on my own.
Abraham: Well, you just demonstrated that, and that's a wonderful thing, but we want you to try to hear the question that we're asking. What kinds of things cause you to perpetuate a vibration or a belief that prevents you from getting you what you want, now now now now now.
Guest: I'm assuming focusing on the false belief, right?
Abraham: Yeah, but what do you think, this is really good, what do you think, we're just going to enjoy it ourselves, what do you think, what do you think is causing it to be active right now? IOW, you were in a situation where we looked around the room and found you. We wanted you. You wanted to be here and we wanted you. And yet even with us pointing right at you, you couldn't perceive it in that way because there is a belief system within you that is contrary to that, but there was no reason, there was no, here it is, there was no reason for that belief system here and now because something entirely different was happening.
You wanted to be here. We wanted you to be here. There was no reason for you, in this moment, there was no reason for you to be getting anything other than that except that you've got a habit of vibration that bled into this moment; it bled into this moment and covered up the reality of this moment.
Guest: Okay.
Abraham: Because your desire was so strong that we found you, and even though we could feel the vibrational variance within you, we knew that we could get you here, and we knew we would have a meaningful conversation; iow, we weren't worried about any of that, but are you getting how good this is?
Iow, so we want to say it again, it is so important:There are many moments in time when you are ready for what you want, you are ready for what's in your vortex, except that in the moment that it begins to flow towards you, you instead let an old vibrational pattern become dominant. Now how would you go about keeping an old vibrational pattern from being dominant now?
Guest: I would love to know that.
Abe: By deliberately practicing new vibrational patterns and then watching the outcome of it until you show yourself that you have vibrational control. By understanding it first of all. By accepting that the Law of Attraction is a powerful law and that it is responding to the way you feel. But there's something we still haven't quite formulated here in the way that it is possible, so let's stay with this because you're not alone in this. Everyone is experiencing this. Because the Big Question is, and it is such a big question:
How do I, in my powerful now, where all my power is, where the junction between me and Me meets, where I have the potential of preparing my vibrational grid to allow myself to be ready for what's in my vortex to flow like water flows downstream into my experience right now: What is preventing that from happening?
Old beliefs... Old beliefs that I thought yesterday, old beliefs that I thought last year? Old beliefs that I thought five years ago? No, a belief that is active now. Because you don't store these beliefs up, you gather the propensity for them; IOW, it's more likely for you to do that now because you did it yesterday and the day before and the day before and the day before....it's likely that you will do it. But it's not because you did it that it's happening, it's because you're doing it that its happening. And you have the power to do something different right now. Did you get that? And you have the ability to see it differently if you'll try just a little bit.
An experience like this, you'll never forget this, an experience like this, you've attracted an experience like this where now your belief has shifted. IOW, there are many times you're nearly where you want to be, not quite, so you nearly have the experience that you want, not quite, but that's why we so much want you to hear us when we say. There are two ways to know whether you're in alignment with what you want and Who You Are or not: One is by the way you feel, and the next it by what happens. So what has this experience demonstrated for you?
Guest: I appreciate this experience because it's helping me shift my beliefs.
Abraham: But what did this experience demonstrate for you? What is the experience? Hundreds of people in the room, you're in the hot seat, what did this experience demonstrate for you?
Guest: Um...
Abraham: I must have been in the vibrational vicinity or I wouldn't be in the hot seat right now. I must have been in the vibrational vicinity. Good for me. Must have been in the vibrational vicinity. So what are the components for being in the vibrational vicinity? How did you prepare yourself for this experience of being in the hot seat?
Guest: Uh, I did my hair. I...
[Audience: Hoots and hollers.]
Abraham: Best. Answer. Ever. You expected be here. IOW, there was more expectation to be in the hot seat than expectation not to be.
Guest: Yes, because I've acquired a lot of grateful knowledge from you, but being here, I get to personally ask you, and it's much more in detail, and it's personal.
Abraham: So I thought about it. I wanted it. I liked the idea of it. I got pretty sure of it. I felt good about it. And in the quiet of my own experience, there wasn't that much to challenge it. So imagined it, I visualized it, I visualized it enough that I wanted to present myself in the way I wanted to... that's all that it is you see. That's what prepaving is.
And the more that you prepave what you want, the less active those old hindering beliefs will be.That's what we're reaching for here. The more you prepave what you want, the more the balance tips, and the hindering beliefs just begin to peter away.
Guest: Personally, I feel the allowing factor the hardest part of the whole process.
Abraham: Well let's talk about what allowing is. Allowing is just a deliberate choosing of a vibration that allows it. We've been calling this the Art of Allowing for quite a long time. And now in the context of this vibrational grid that we are wanting you to focus upon, we'll give a new definition of what allowing is. Allowing of what, first of all?
Allowing my frequency to be in keeping with what's in the vortex in order to allow what's in the vortex to flow to me. Allowing. And so, allowing is about focus. Allowing is about thinking and feeling, thinking and feeling. So, I don't just stumble upon allowing, I practice myself into allowing, that's why we call it an Art not an accident. The accident of allowing. You have those all the time, btw, because there is something that you're observing, but the Art of Allowing, the Art of feeling myself into the frequency of that which I really am, in order to create some outcome? No, in order to feel the deliciousness of allowing my frequency to meet the level of that which I really am, to feel the fullness of Who I Am, the clarity of Who I Am, the fun of Who I Am, the beauty, the brilliance, the stability, the vitality, the On-ness, the Oneness, the Wholeness, the Fullness.
Guest: Right.
Abraham: Good Hair.
[Audience: Applause]
Excerpted from Seattle, WA 8/26/2012 Workshop
© Abraham-Hicks Publications 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
Seth Classic: Choosing a Painful Life Situation

Seth: The situation Is one of danger, yet is chosen by those involved, and is not inflicted upon them. In somewhat the same way, entire life contexts are selected that might appear to be incomprehensible, foolhardy, or even insane to an observer.
(9:38.) These lifetime organizations may involve very drastic physical disabilities from birth. From the outside it seems impossible that anyone would choose such a background, such a highly restricted or even painful situation in which to live. From that viewpoint birth defects, or lifetime diseases of any kind, make no sense.
No one begins a race with a handicap, you may say, but that is obviously not the case. Individuals have often chosen such situations precisely as incentives, and many great men have done so. This does not mean that such disabilities are necessary. At any point that an individual realizes his point of power in the presents he will not need a barrier to test himself against, or to focus him in what he thinks of as the proper direction.
You live many lives simultaneously. You often think of these as reincarnational existences, one before the other. If you are severely ill and believe that the reasons for your symptoms exist in a past life, that you must "put up with it," then you will not realize that your point of power is in the present, and you will not believe in the possibility of recovery.
Again, even so-called incurable diseases can be healed as long as this does not involve regenerations not possible within the context of creaturehood.
In your terms, birth defects of whatever kind are chosen before this life. This is done for many different reasons ( just as people choose to be ill In life, regardless of the duration involved). That is, a certain psychic framework is set up through which an individual decides "ahead of time" to experience an entire life situation. Some information on this has been given in my other writings.*
A person with several existences stressing intellectual achievement might purposely then decide upon a life in which mental abilities are beyond him, and the emotions allowed a full play that he had denied them "earlier."
(9:54.) Since all existences are simultaneous, this simply means his stressing certain aspects in this life--at the expense of others, you would say--and setting up a frame of reference that may seem to be limiting. On the other hand the personality involved may see this as a most rewarding and expansive experience, in which the emotions are allowed freedoms ordinarily denied. Characteristically, some personalities prefer lifetime experiences in which accomplishment and development follows an even course. Others demand great contrast. One of the latter may be miserably poor in one life, luxuriously rich in another, an intellectual giant in still another, a great athlete, and then a complete invalid. Individual differences operate then in the kinds of life situations chosen.
In many cases it is the family, rather than the incapacitated member, who questions and does not understand as in cases of severely mentally retarded children, for example. Yet in all instances not only do children choose their parents ahead of time, but parents choose their children, of course.
In such a situation, there are fulfillments to be gained from the parents' standpoints. There are always opportunities of growth and unusual creativity possible under those conditions for all involved. That is why the framework was chosen. The same applies to seeming tragedies such as accidents, or severe illnesses that come at any time.
(Very emphatically at 10:03:) On an individual basis a grave illness, for instance, will represent the adoption of a particular highly intense focus in which a given aspect of usual experience is deliberately cut out or denied; the context of life itself must then be magnified along other lines. In somewhat the same manner, this also applies to those born in extreme poverty or in the most seemingly unfortunate of family situations. The life challenge is inherent within the problem itself and springs from it. Usually, though not always, a peculiar personal achievement results precisely because of the given difficulty (intently).
Now this accomplishment need not involve some great artwork or invention, or political leadership, for example, though it may. Often the successful activity represents a challenge on the part of the personality who set it in terms of psychological creativity, and the overall enrichment of experience. Those involved, such as family, will have acquiesced to the situation "earlier." Often, particularly in the case of mental or physical birth defects, the incapacitated person will be accepting that role not only because of personal reasons; he or she will also be choosing that part for the family as a whole.
Highly intelligent parents, therefore, may find themselves with a retarded child. If they place a great value upon intellect at the expense of the emotions, then the child may be acting out for them the emotional spontaneity of which they are so afraid themselves.
(10:15. Peculiarly, in spite of her deep trance and the mass of material she'd delivered, Jane remembered one line--Seth's remark about her using the radio as a point of reference while she worked with states of consciousness. See the session at 9:32. This was an obvious thing that neither of us had realized before.
(Jane plays the radio often while writing, too. She joked now that she must use it as "a lifeline between realities. "Resume in the same intent manner at 10:47.)
A birth defect is obvious, and sets up certain conditions that cannot be ignored.
Many ordinary illnesses also involve the family group to some degree. The predominating beliefs of the sick person will always be paramount, however. The group situation will encompass an acquiescence on the part of other family members.
Now understand that the same thing applies in the case of unusual achievements. In those instances the achiever's beliefs predominate, and yet apart from this he may also be acting out the unrealized aspirations of his family members, or of the group in which he is intimately involved. There will always be reasons for such interrelationships.
(Pause.) Many great contrasts of a social nature have the same kind of inner meaning; here whole groups of individuals chose particular life situations in which, for example, poverty and illness predominate, while other areas of the world (or of any given nation) enjoy the highest technological advances, wealth and prosperity. Separately each personality has a private reason for such an affiliation. But on other levels, through the contrasting focuses of poverty and wealth, scientific accomplishments or the lack of them, opposites are brilliantly apparent. Technological progress, followed as a main focus, automatically portrays its benefits and its disadvantages.
A nation which pursues this
course is like one individual who primarily follows a strictly
"objective, male," externally oriented path in terms of
your Western understanding. Certain values have been stressed in your
country, particularly in the recent present. These attributes were
pursued at the expense of others for individual reasons and those en
masse. The rest of the world agreed to such actions, however, and
various portions of it took entirely different courses, so that in your
experience global society would show a kaleidoscope of varying focuses
and their results.
(Pause at 11:05.) On a much smaller scale and to different degrees, any tribe, town, family or group will show the same tendencies, and from the shared experience each individual will learn and grow.
A person may choose a great talent instead, through which he or she will perceive reality and concentrate all experience. This will serve as a formidable focus, yet by its nature it may often preclude other experiences that many individuals find quite normal. Some artists with great ability may shut out intellectual maturity, utilizing native emotional qualities to such an extent and with such intensity that the mental reasoning faculties are largely shunted aside. (Pause.) Without rational illumination, the emotional elements may be so unwieldy that the artist, for all of his spontaneous expression, cannot relate in any kind of permanent situation of an intimate nature. For reason and emotion are natural counterparts.
Someone else may choose to focus upon intellectual achievement to such a degree that he shuts out all true closeness, and though he can accept a permanent relationship, he will not experience the emotional richness that others may derive from a much briefer encounter. Therefore each of you choose ahead of time, in your terms the kind of framework through which you will contend with this life situation. This applies personally and collectively.
Those who believe in reincarnation will ask, 'What about past-life beliefs? And even if I forget the idea of guilt, am I bound to follow the rules of karma?" (See the 614th session in Chapter Two.)
(Pause at 11:05.) On a much smaller scale and to different degrees, any tribe, town, family or group will show the same tendencies, and from the shared experience each individual will learn and grow.
A person may choose a great talent instead, through which he or she will perceive reality and concentrate all experience. This will serve as a formidable focus, yet by its nature it may often preclude other experiences that many individuals find quite normal. Some artists with great ability may shut out intellectual maturity, utilizing native emotional qualities to such an extent and with such intensity that the mental reasoning faculties are largely shunted aside. (Pause.) Without rational illumination, the emotional elements may be so unwieldy that the artist, for all of his spontaneous expression, cannot relate in any kind of permanent situation of an intimate nature. For reason and emotion are natural counterparts.
Someone else may choose to focus upon intellectual achievement to such a degree that he shuts out all true closeness, and though he can accept a permanent relationship, he will not experience the emotional richness that others may derive from a much briefer encounter. Therefore each of you choose ahead of time, in your terms the kind of framework through which you will contend with this life situation. This applies personally and collectively.
Those who believe in reincarnation will ask, 'What about past-life beliefs? And even if I forget the idea of guilt, am I bound to follow the rules of karma?" (See the 614th session in Chapter Two.)
Since all is simultaneous, your present beliefs can alter your past ones, whether from this life or a "previous" one. Existences are open-ended. Now with your ideas of progressive time and the resulting beliefs in cause and effect, I realize this is difficult for you to understand. Yet within the abilities of your creaturehood, your current beliefs can change your experience; you can restructure your "reincarnational past" in the same way that you can restructure the past in this present life (as explained in sessions 657-58 in Chapter Fifteen.
(With gestures:) In the center of the page:
The Point of Power Is in the Present.
This experienced present also represents your psychic touchstone to all of your other existences. You are consciously aware of certain events, and unconsciously aware of much more that in one way or another you are learning to bring into conscious focus.
The same applies to all of your other "reincarnational selves." They are unconsciously aware of your conscious experience, as you are unconsciously aware of theirs.
The interaction is constant, however, and in all of your presents, creative. You draw on their knowledge as they draw on yours, and this of course applies to personalities that you would consider future. You have a gigantic pool of information and experience to draw upon, but this will be utilized according to your present conscious beliefs. If you understand that the point of power is in the present, then you have an inexhaustible realm of ability and energy at your command.
© Laurel Butts
Jane Roberts,
Nature of Personal Reality,
Point of Power,
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Abe on the Art of Lying
Sorry, I used to have a transcript here, but blogger ate it when I switched templates. If I have time I'll get it up later.
Abraham Hicks,
Mexican Cruise,
Friday, October 26, 2012
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Abraham on Depression
Abraham Hicks,
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
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