We were visiting with a woman, recently, and she said, “Abraham, what do you do when you want one thing and your mate wants exactly the opposite? How do you ever resolve it? Doesn’t one or the other of you have to give up something that you want?”
And we said, “What’s this about?”
And she said, “My husband is close to retiring and he wants to live in this house for the rest of our lives, and I want to move out of this house and out of this town. And I’m as sure that I want to leave, as he is that he wants to stay.”
We said, “Give us more information. Why do you want to leave?”
She said, "The town is very small. It’s very narrow-minded. There would never be a gathering like this in this town.” She had travelled about 80 miles for the gathering. She said, “I am bored in this town. I don’t have any very close friends in this town. I don’t feel at home in this town. I feel that I’m being smothered in this town.”
We said, “Why does your husband want to stay?”
She said, “Because he’s close to retirement and he knows that our income will diminish, and the house is nearly paid for and he does not want to go out and buy another house in another area. We’ve had this house for many years, so we’d have to pay a lot more for our next house, which means we would owe a lot more, which means our payments would be a lot higher, which means we wouldn’t have the money for the security that we are wanting. And he has done a lot of work around this place. He has the gardens the way he wants them and the garage is organized the way he wants it.”
And we said, “Can you hear what both of you are doing? Both of you, from your predominant place of knowing what you do not want, are trying to make a decision and encourage the other one to go along with it, and you have no power. The Universe is not helping either one of you, so you’re just sort of wallowing in this place of discontent, both of you.
And then we said, in an attempt to bring her from the peripheral, where the issues were about action, to come to the center of the wheel where she is already in harmony with her mate. “Does your mate disagree with you trying to find more uplifting, enlightening seminars like this one?” She said, “No, not at all. He encourages me to go wherever I’m wanting to go, to have those experiences.”
And we said, “Did you have a miserable journey as you left your home and came all this way to this gathering?” She said, “Actually, no, it was one of the better days of my life. It is springtime, everything is beautiful, I had a glorious time on my journey to this place.”
We said, “Are you at odds with your husband’s wanting financial security and Well-being?” She said, “Oh, not at all. I want him to feel financially secure.” We said, “Are you uncomfortable in living in a house that is well organized where the gardens are manicured? Are you uncomfortable with living in a house that is paid for?” “Not at all,” she said, “that’s why I had enough extra money that I could come and do this.”
And as we chatted, a little bit, she began to realize that they are both much more in harmony than they are not in harmony when they got to the deeper, more important issues.
And we said, “Once you find that place of connection, that place of love, that place of appreciation, once you find that place, then, together, in your state of connection, you will be inspired to action—and, moreover, you will be vibrationally in a place of allowing the Universe to deliver to you that which will please both of you out there on the peripheral.”
In other words, in that vibration, more people in her town, that are like she is in her thinking, can begin to gravitate to her. And her mate, in his more connection as a result of their harmony, would find himself feeling more secure, and in his feeling more secure, he might be willing to roam more, he might be willing to go out and explore the world a little more with her.
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