Quotes largely from Esther Hicks' Abraham and occasionally from Abraham's direct predecessor, Jane Roberts' Seth.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Abraham on Inherited Traits

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
You Cannot Have a Problem and a Solution at the Same Time

There are so many things that you want somebody else to do something so you can feel better, and we say, friends, you gotta give that up. You're living a very conditional love. You're saying, that condition feels good to me, and that condition feels bad to me, so make that condition more like that condition and then I'll feel better. And we say, what you're doing is sort of sloppy thinking. You're saying, I don't ever wanna have to deliberately direct my thoughts. I want somebody to figure out how to control the world so I can just sloppily look around and most of what I see will make me feel good.
And we say, that isn't what you want at all. You want the variety, and you want the discipline, and you want to turn your thoughts toward those things that are a vibrational match to who you really are. You want to use your willpower, you want to use your determination, you want to use resources, your facilities, you want to use your valor, you want to use everything you've got girded up. You want to use that toward directing thought. If you will direct your thought toward things that feel good you will not have a problem in the world. You cannot have a problem and a solution at the same time. You got one or the other. Which are you beating the drum of? Isn't that powerful?!
© Abraham-Hicks Publications
Monday, September 28, 2009
They Show You What is Active in Your Vibration

We have a new game for you to play. And the game goes like this. “I’ve decided in my physical human form that I’m going to take complete ultimate only responsibility for everything that happens to me. I’m not ever again" ... (it’ll take a little getting used to)... "I’m not ever again going to blame somebody else for where I am, for how I’m feeling, for what’s happening to me.”
The reason that this is ultimately so satisfying is because you have only ever always, only ever always, only ever always, been the only ever always one who could only ever always do anything about anything in your life experience. Nobody else can do anything. In other words, asking someone else to change even if they’re willing, even if they can do it for 5 or 10 or 15 or 20 years, even if you can get somebody else to contain their behavior so that you will feel better, you are the ONLY one EVER who can do anything about it.
So... You’re so angry at your mate, or your mother, or someone... someone you work with, someone you work for. And they just seem to be ruining your life because they will not change their behavior. You do no seem to be important enough to them to change their behavior which hurts your feelings a great deal. And then you discover “Wait a minute! They don’t have to change a thing in order for me to feel better. I can start looking for positive aspects. I can look for things within them that make me feel good.”
Now that’s offensive to some of you because you’ve been holding others as being responsible for you feeling good for so long that it’s sort of hard to let loose of that. It’s sort of hard to let them be whatever they need to be while you selectively choose whatever you need to choose to feel good. And we know friends that it would be a lot easier for you to do this if they’d learned it first. (laughter), but you can’t wait for them to figure this out and you don’t need to because once you figure it out, your life is going to feel so much better.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Seth: Love is Always a Protection

(Blogger's Background Note: Jane/Ruburt's mother was bedridden throughout most of her childhood and could be very emotionally abusive.)
Seth: He [Ruburt] would do his mother no harm, and for this reason she can do him no harm. The desire and the intent to do violence almost inevitably brings forth violence. We are involved here in somewhat of a basic problem, hardly Ruburt's alone, that will someday take up many sessions. For like does indeed attract like. If you hate, you will be hated. You will attract hate.
There are definite reasons for this. The reasons have been known and forgotten, but the very practical fact remains. If Ruburt would indeed do his mother harm if the opportunity presented itself, then he would indeed be in danger of harm...
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Evolution, in a Long-Term Committed Relationship?

Abraham, The Law of Attraction in Action DVD Series, Episode VII, Disk 1
But we would like you to understand that moving from relationship to relationship to relationship is not the answer and that in fact the true relationship you seek is the relationship with Source. If you will tend to that relationship, if you will care about how you feel, if you will care about seeing this relationship through the eyes of Source, every relationship could be the long-term committed relationship you are talking to and the expansive, growth relationship you're talking about.
It's easy if you don't like something to just throw it away and start over, but you take yourself with you. And whatever went wrong in your last relationship, we promise you will go wrong in this relationship unless you've done something about changing the vibration. And by changing the vibration, we don't mean just go to another person! We mean do something about changing the vibration, and when you change the vibration you'll evoke from this relationship something different just as you would evoke from a new relationship. So whether you stay or go is not the issue. The issue is - am I tending to the relationship between ME and me first? And once I do that, I will find joy wherever I stand.
You can get so good at your alignment that you could have a wonderful relationship with ANYBODY. With anybody! But you have of course, through your physical experience, given birth to all kinds of preferences and those preferences should be met. You should be able to live with the kind of person that you want to! They should look the way you want them to look, they should behave the way you want them to behave. We don't want you to say: "You can behave in any way you want to behave and I'll just joyously bip along and be your doormat and do whatever it is that you want me to do!" That's not what we're saying at all!
The Art of Allowing doesn't mean let the other get away with things that bother you. The Art of Allowing means tuning myself to the point that I'm not bothered and then they CAN'T do things that bother you! Nobody can consistently give you something you do not want unless it is active in your vibration. And if it is active in your vibration you want to blame the other one because it wasn't active in your vibration before you observed their behaviour. But we want you to take control of your own experience by saying "I'm in charge of the way I feel because I'm in charge of where I give my attention." I can see through the eyes of Source or not. It's that simple.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Seth: The Best Kind of Insurance

Abe on How to Live a Long, Heathy Life

(c) Abraham-Hicks Publications
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Seth: Witch Doctors in White Coats

With the greatest understanding and compassion, let me mention that Western medicine is in its way one of the most uncivilized hypnotic devices. The most educated Western doctors will look with utter dismay and horror at the thought of a chicken being sacrificed in a primitive witch doctor's hut, and yet will consider it quite scientific and inevitable that a woman sacrifice two breasts to cancer. The doctors will simply see no other way out, and unfortunately neither will the patient.
A modern Western physician--granted with the greatest discomfiture -- will inform his patient that he is about to die, impressing upon him that his situation is hopeless, and yet will react with scorn and loathing when he reads that a voodoo practitioner has put a curse upon some innocent victim.
And Now Seth: Should I Get Health Insurance? Pt. 2

Seth, NOPR, session 661, p. 331
Not only do you operate within your own personal beliefs, of course, but within a mass system to which you subscribe to one degree or another. Within that organization medical insurance becomes necessity for most of you, so I am not suggesting that you drop it. Nevertheles, let us look more closely at the situation.
You are paying in advance for illness that you are certain will come your way. You are making all preparations in the present for a future illness. You are betting upon disease and not health. This is the worst kind of natural hypnosis, and yet within your system insurance is indeed a necessity, because the belief in illness so pervades your mental atmosphere.
Many become ill only AFTER taking out such "insurance"- and for those, the act itself symbolically represents an acceptance of disease. Even more unfortunate are the special policies for the elderly that detail in advance all of the most stereotyped and distorted concepts about health and age. There is a great correlation between the kind of policies that people take out, and the illnesses that they then fall prey to.
Should I get Health Insurance?

Abraham: We are not for a moment suggesting that there is not a place for medicine in your world. We just would not replace our own understanding of wellbeing and our natural acclimating to wellness with something that is outside of us.
Someone said, "Well Abraham should I get insurance?" and we say well insurance is kinda planning on trouble.
And then we said, "How do you feel about it?" and she said, "Well I would feel better if I had insurance."
And we said "Then get insurance."
Do anything that you need to do to feel better you see.
(c) Abraham-Hicks Publications
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Seth: It is Unnatural to Harness the Power of Love to Dominate

I am not saying here that any given sexual performance is "wrong," or meaningless, or debased, if it is not accompanied by the sentiments of love and devotion. Over a period of time, however, the expression of sex will follow the inclinations of the heart. These inclinations will color sexual expression, then. To that degree, it is "unnatural" to have sexual desire for someone whom you dislike or look down upon. The sexual ideas of domination and submission have no part in the natural life of your species, or that of the animals. Again, you interpret animal behavior according to your own beliefs.
Dominance and submission have often been used in religious literature in periods when love and devotion were separated from sexuality. They became unified only through religious visions or experiences, for only God's love was seen as "good enough" to justify a sexuality otherwise felt to be animalistic. Instead, the words "domination" and "submission" have to do with areas of consciousness and its development. Because of interpretations mentioned earlier in this book, you adopted a prominent line of consciousness that to a certain extent was bent upon dominating nature. You considered this male in essence. The female principle then became connected with the earth and all those elements of its life over which you as a species hoped to gain power.
(9:47.) God, therefore, became male. The love and devotion that might otherwise be connected with the facets of nature and the female principle had to be "snatched away from" any natural attraction to sexuality. In such a way, religion, echoing your state of consciousness, was able to harness the powers of love and use them for purposes of domination. They became state-oriented. A man's love and devotion was a political gain. Fervor was as important as a government's treasury, for a state could count upon the devotion of its lieutenants in the same way that many fanatics will work without money for a cause.
(Long pause.) Give us a moment... (A one-minute pause at 9:56)
Some people are naturally solitary. They want to live lone lives, and are content. Most, however, have a need for enduring, close relationships. These provide both a psychic and social framework for personal growth, understanding, and development. It is an easy enough matter to shout to the skies: "I love my fellow men," when on the other hand you form no strong, enduring relationship with others. It is easy to claim an equal love for all members of the species, but love itself requires an understanding that at your level of activity is based on intimate experience. You cannot love someone you do not know...
Friday, September 18, 2009
Monogamy: Is It Natural or Unnatural?

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Abraham on The Vortex
Excerpt from "The Vortex" DVD:
And so..Imagine this Source Energy, let's call it God, you usually do, this Source Energy who is the consensus of what Everyone, even one-celled organisms, have been asking for that would be best for them. Can you imagine a more Equal Opportunity? Can you imagine anything being more right than for there to be a Holder of All Requests and a Pushing Against Nothing? An Environment where what you ask for is always given?(c) Abraham-Hicks Publications
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Why Does the Media Broadcast Pain, but Censor Pleasure?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Until You Leverage Alignment, Not Much Will Happen Financially

Now that doesn't mean stop your action. Go to work, do whatever you need to do. Let the money come in in the little, mediocre, pitiful way that it flows into your experience. In other words, you don't want to pinch that off. Let it come. But while it's coming, appreciate it. While it's coming, look forward to it. While it's coming, compliment yourself and compliment others. In other words let it be an energy game while you're living the action game, because you can do both. It doesn't have to be one or the other.
(c) Abraham-Hicks Publications
Monday, September 14, 2009
Find Alignment First and Then Take Action

Sunday, September 13, 2009
When You Think They Won't Help Around the House

Flawed Premise #7: With enough effort, or hard work, I can accomplish anything.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Abraham's 30-Minute Energy Alignment Process

(c) Abraham-Hicks Publications
Friday, September 11, 2009
What if One Doesn't Want the Relationship to End?

Flawed Premise #9: The path to my joy is through my action. When I am feeling bad, I can get to a better-feeling place by taking action. I can focus upon a situation that I think is the reason I am feeling bad, and walk away from it. And once away from it, I will feel better. I can get to what I want by leaving what I don't want.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
How Can One Move from Disharmony to Harmony?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Are You Blessed with a Difficult Child? Or Are You a Difficult Child?

Monday, September 7, 2009
What Is Our Greatest Value to Those in Need?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Abraham on the News

When you turn on your television and the network news and it shows you what it has to offer, it is not even handed. It's not even close to being proportional to the well being and not well being.
It is so drastically distorted as it goes all over the planet and finds pockets of things it knows you will worry about and brings it to you.
So as you watch the evening news -- or whenever you are watching it, sometimes you can watch it all day -- as you watch the news, do you notice how they scour the planet for negative stuff to show you and can you feel the disproportion as you say "I've never seen anything like that in my life. I know it must exist somewhere but why am I thinking about it now? What does that person – wherever they are, making it their truth – have to do with me? And why are they telling me about it?"
Well, they are telling you about it because they don't understand Law of Attraction. They understand ratings. They understand that if they can get you worried enough about something you'll probably watch it and that's really what we want to talk about here today.
What is it that causes you to focus upon worrisome truth rather than pleasant fantasy? Or even pleasant truth?
Oh, we'll tell you, we won't torture you. (audience laughter) It's because most of you even those of you who are here who have been listening to us for a while, still believe that there is assertion and there is a source of bad stuff that'll get you if you don't watch out. That's the whole premise of the news. In other words, 'There's bad stuff out there and we're going to alert you about it."
Now this has been brought to absolute absurdity as they put those color codes up for you.
"It is a very high alert today. You know what to do." (audience laughter) "Worry!" Disallow well being. Fuss over something you can't do anything about until you've pinched off your well being and become part of their statistic which gives them the justification to put up another warning.
They mean well, they're just stupid (audience laughter). They don't understand Law of Attraction. If they meant well and understood Law of Attraction what they would be displaying are things that would induce good feelings within you. They'd say, "Oh, the world is beautiful place today. And while there are pockets that are not going so well we won't talk about them because they are so much in the minority and let's emphasize, all of us together, what's working, so that we can establish a vibrational pattern within those that we love that will attract only that which is well being."
Because well being is the order of all things, they would say to you.
Well being is the source that flows and unless you are doing something that pinches the source of well being off, you will thrive."
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Harmony in Relationships

Abraham: You have more harmony points with every person on the planet than you have disharmony points, because there is much more of you that is in harmony with your Core than you realize or that most of you allow. The closer you come to being in harmony with your Source Energy, the more in harmony you are with each other.
Post NDE: To Achieve a Similar State in the Physical

Abraham: ... Now you know the goal. You know how happy you are, and you know how happy you want to be. And that’s what you have come to express.
Guest: But the thing is that here is so not… allowing, or something…
Abraham: We know it seems that way, but it’s only the perceptions you’ve picked up. In other words, in that re-emergence into non-physical you left behind all of your limiting perceptions. And so, now your work is about one by one releasing the limiting perceptions, and it is our promise that you can be as happy here as you were there. And now you have this fabulous experience of knowing what you are reaching for.
And think about it in light of what we have been talking about here today. It is not about achieving something, it is not about going somewhere, it is not about being with someone. It’s a state of being, isn’t it? It’s the feeling. It’s the feeling! Can you feel how, as we’ve been moving through emotions here today, can you feel how what you are wanting to do is to move from where ever you are, which is feeling pretty darned good, to that fabulous goal that you now have which is feeling really, really, really good? …
We want to show you how to step here and step here and step here and step here, and then you say, “Hey, this is as good as being dead!!!” [laughter]
© 1997-2005 Abraham-Hicks