Now: Throughout your reincarnational existences you expand your consciousness, your ideas, your perceptions, your values. You break away from self-adapted restrictions, and you grow spiritually as you learn to step aside from limiting conceptions and dogmas.
Your rate of learning depends entirely upon you, however. Limited, dogmatic, or rigid concepts of good and evil can hold you back. To narrow ideas of the nature of existence can follow you through several lives if you do not choose to be spiritually and psychically flexible.
These rigid ideas can indeed act as leashes, so that you are forced to circle like a tied puppy dog about a very small radius. In such cases through perhaps a group of existences, you will find yourself battling against ideas of good and evil running about in a circle of confusion, doubt, and anxiety.
Your friends and acquaintances will be concerned with the same problems, for you will draw to yourself those with the same concerns. I am telling you again, therefore, that many of your ideas of good and evil are highly distorted and shadow all understanding you have of the nature of reality.
If you form a guilt in your mind, then it is a reality for you, and you must work it out. But many of you form guilts for which there is no adequate cause, and you saddle yourselves with these guilts without reason. In your dimension of activity there appears to be a wild assortment of evils. Let me tell you that he who hates an evil merely creates another one.
Now: From within your point of reference it is often difficult for you perceive that all events work toward creativity, or to trust in the spontaneous creativity of your own natures. Within your system, to kill is obviously is obviously a moral crime, but to kill another in punishment only compounds the original error. Someone very well-known who established a church-if you will, a civilization-once said, “turn the other cheek if you are attacked. “The original meaning of that remark, however, should be understood. You should turn the other cheek because you realize that basically the attacker only attacks himself.
Then you are free, and the reaction is a good one. If you turned the other cheek without this understanding, however, and feel resentful, or if you turn the other cheek out of the feeling of pseudo moral superiority, then the reaction is far from adequate.
Now all of this can be applied to your relationships in your reincarnational existences, and of course it also is highly pertinent to your current daily experience. If you hate another person, that hate may bind you to him through as many lives as you allow the hate to consume you. You draw to yourself in this existence and in all others those qualities upon which you concentrate your attention. If you vividly concern yourself with the injustices you feel have been done to you, then you attract more such experience, and if this goes on, then it will be mirrored in your next existence. It is true that in between lives there is “time “for understanding and contemplation.
Those who do not taken advantage of such opportunities in this life often do not do so when it is over. Consciousness will expand. It will create. It will turn itself inside out to do so. There is nothing outside of yourself that will force you to understand these issues or face them.
It is useless then to say, “When this life is over I will look back upon my experience and mend my ways.” This is like a young man saying, “When I grow old and retire, I will use all those abilities that I am not now developing." You are setting the stage for your “next” life now. The thoughts you think today will in one way or another become the fabric of your next existence. There are no magic words that make you wise, that will fill you with understanding and compassion; that will expand your consciousness.
Your thoughts and everyday experience contain the answers. Any success in this life, any abilities, have been worked out through past experience. They are yours by right. You worked to develop them. If you look about you and your relatives, friends, acquaintances, and business associates, you will also see what kind of person you are, for your drawn to them as they are drawn to you, through very basic inner similarities.
If you examine your thoughts for five minutes at various times during the day for several times a month, you will indeed receive a correct impression of the kind of life you have arranged for yourself in the next existence. If you are not pleased with what you discover, then you had better begin changing the nature of your thoughts and feelings.
As you will see later in this book, you can do so. There is no rule saying that in each life you must meet again those whom you have known before; and yet through the nature of attraction, that is often the case….
You may be born into your present family for many reasons. You may find after death a much stronger relationship emotionally with a personality from a past life. If you’re married, for example, and have no true rapport with your mate, you may instead find a past wife or husband waiting for you.
Often times members of various groups—military groups, church groups, hunting groups, will in another life form family relationships in which they will then work out old problems in new ways. Families must be considered as the gestalts of psychic activity; they have a subjective identity, of which no particular member of the group may be aware.
Families have subconscious purposes, though the individual members of the family may pursue these goals without conscious awareness. Such groups are set up ahead of time, so speak, in between physical existences. Often times four five individuals will set themselves a given challenge, and assign to the various members different parts to play. Then in a physical existence roles will be worked out.
The inner self is always aware of the hidden mechanisms of these family gestalts. Those who of been closely bound through emotional ties often prefer to remain in a closely tied or loosely tied physical relationships that continue through many lifetimes. New relationships are always encouraged however, for you can have ingrown reincarnational “families.” Many of these form physical organizations that are actually manifestations of inner groupings. (cont. in next post)
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